Understanding Your Legacy Society Donors to Better Predict Your Planned Giving Prospects
Speaker: Kelsey Picken
Creating donor personas is a valuable tool to better gauge identity traits of your typical legacy society members for better prospecting and marketing, but what happens when you overlap these with your organization's donor data? By stretching beyond archetypes and dismantling assumptions, this session will walk through how to uncover your organization's unique donor giving behaviors, values, and demographics to more clearly identify who your prospects are and who else they could be, as well as how to reach them.
GiftLegacy Advance — Maximize Your Charitable Contributions with DAFs and QCDs
Speaker: Ryan LaCanfora and Sandra Henningsen
Challenging questions: How do you maintain your development momentum? How do you retain your loyal donors? How do you avoid possible crisis shortfalls? Proven solutions: Implement Crescendo's GiftLegacy Advance marketing campaign, proven to empower nonprofits. This initiative centers on encouraging Donor Advised Funds (DAF) and IRA Charitable Rollover gifts for your philanthropic successes. These two time-efficient marketing mini-campaigns offer personalized and strategic communication to strengthen donor relationships. In this presentation, explore how GiftLegacy's innovative approach aligns with your donors' spirit of philanthropy. It is time to not only meet but exceed your fundraising goals. Join us to explore the path to closing major gifts in 2024 and 2025.
What Happens to Gift Planning After the Great Wealth Transfer?
Speaker: Nicola Lawrence
We all hear about the 'Great Wealth Transfer' often. While capturing your charitable share of given transfer will remain a focus for gift planners over the next 2 decades, how are we preparing for what comes next. As we are entering an era where millennials are becoming increasingly involved in philanthropy and are increasingly growing in wealth, either from their own efforts or from being a beneficiary of an estate. It's essential to align our charitable strategies with their unique values and digital preferences. Our proposed presentation aims to delve into the power and potential of modern gift planning tools and the integration of such in all types of fundraising. From Donor Advised Funds to online stock donations, creating estate documents on-line to national initiatives such as National Make a Will Month there are a growing number of instant and digital response tools that are effective vehicles to engage and resonate with this generation. We will explore the importance of aligning with millennial values, emphasizing tax efficiency, ensuring seamless digital experiences, and showcasing tangible impact. Additionally, we'll highlight strategies like peer influence, financial education, flexibility, transparency, and tech platform integrations to illustrate how nonprofits can foster deeper connections with millennial donors, ultimately cultivating a future-focused, committed donor base.
"Plannual" Giving: A New Framework for Marketing Planned Gifts
Speaker: Ray Watts
The future of planned giving marketing is integration, not segmentation. By combining appeals for both annual support and legacy gifts in the same communication vehicles, organizations are able to reach more effectively — and efficiently — the most likely planned sgiving donor: the loyal annual donor.